Yahoo & Microsoft Deal Not Just About Search

There was a filing today (Tuesday) from Yahoo to the Security and Exchange Commission that gave us more insight into the details of the Yahoo – Microsoft merger.

Around the end of page 4, however, we start to get a glimpse that the deal is not just about search:

In addition, Yahoo! may at its option elect to receive
Microsoft’s mapping services and mobile search services.

In addition, Yahoo! may at its option elect to receive Microsoft’s mapping services and mobile search services. (end of page 4)

I like the sounds of this actually, and I think that Yahoo may have a good deal on there hands – and likewise for Microsoft.

Google is obviously the dominant player in search, but I would argue they are not the dominant player when it comes to news.  I know that I, my wife, and others always go to to get their news – or at least to check out the headlines.

So with a deal in place with Microsoft that allows Yahoo to leverage mobile platforms and other technology from Microsoft, I see Yahoo being able to capitalize on their strong businesses – i.e. news and content.

I also like how Yahoo has recently been sending out notices that services such as Yahoo 360 (Yahoo blogging service), and Yahoo’s Geo Cities are going to shutting down for good.

It’s all about focusing on your strong points, and being willing to eject the dead weight.  If Yahoo is smart about the Microsoft deal, they can become almost untouchable in the news and content distribution market.

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