Bing Gains Marketshare – Again!

Microsoft is on a role with their search engine Bing!

For the 2nd month in a row, Bing has gained market share in the search engine market at the expense of both Google and Yahoo.

According to a news release just out:

For the second month in a row – and the second month since its release — the company’s new search engine, Bing, has increased its usage and market share in the United States. According to comScore, Bing accounted for 8.9 percent of search queries in the United States in July, up from 8.4 percent in June and 8 percent in May. The July gains appear to have come at the expense of both Google and Yahoo, which each saw their market share decline by .3 percent, to 64.7 percent and 19.3 percent respectively.

I have to believe that one of the main reasons that Bing is gaining market share is due to Facebook’s new search engine update.

Facebook now has the ability to search news streams, and along with those search results, are web results that are powered by Bing.

After all, Microsoft did make a $247 million investment into Facebook back in 2007.  So it only makes sense that they would be the default search engine.

However, looking at how all of these events are unfolding, is it possible that Microsoft is primed to topple Google as a result of real time search?

I mean, Google is clearly WAY behind in this area.  They don’t have anything that’s even close to real time search data.

Yet Microsoft already has their positioning in place with Facebook and real time search data.  And not to mention the fact that Facebook is getting closer to the traffic levels of both Google and Yahoo!

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