Categories: TechnologyTwitter

*BREAKING* Hurricane Bill Tracking #6 On Both Twitter & Google Trends

hurricane-bill-new-englandHas there even been a time in history when the same event has been at the same ranking number on both Google Trends and Twitter Trends?

“Hurricane Bill Tracking” is #6 on Google Trends and “hurricane bill” is currently #6 on Twitter Trends.

Just to clarify, the time now is 8:20pm EST on Saturday, August 22, 2009.

If you want to know what the web is buzzing about then you need to turn to Twitter Trends and Google Trends – these two indicators give you a “what’s happening now” look at the web.

Not only are you getting a look at the nature of the web, you’re actually getting insights into human nature!  Because after all, isn’t the web made up of people?  And people always pursue their own interest on the web!

Lot’s of topics flow in and out of Google Trends and Twitter Trends, but I’ve never seen the same keyword phrase / topic trend at the exact same ranking on both.

Oh yeah, just in case you were wondering about the status of Hurricane Bill, here’s an update from

Hurricane Bill is still moving north off the eastern coast of the United States. It is expected to miss New England but cause waves, wind and strong currents along the coast. Tropical storm and hurricane watches are in effect for portions of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.

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