Categories: Technology

3 Ways To Build Your Brand Naturally In Google

Google desires nothing less than to eradicate the web of spammers, fake links, and artificial PageRank.

That’s why, if you desire – I mean really, truly want to dominate the search results of Google – then you have to do it in a natural, organic way.

There is no more fooling Google into thinking your website has strong backlinks, or a lot of backlinks, when they were all hand built by you!

So here’s the 3 ways to build your brand naturally in Google:

1)  Build a blog for your business, product, service, or desired mission.  Just Google “wordpress” “blogger” “typepad” etc… it’s wide open with free bloggging platform.

2)  Do your keyword research.  Find the keyword phrases that are more reflective of your business, products, and services from the customers perspective.

3)  Generate Content Continuously.  If you write in your blog everyday with keyword targeted, on topic content, then Google’s crawlers will come back to your site sometimes as quickly as you post new content.

And the more Google crawls your site, the more pagerank you obtain.  The more pagerank you have, the more traffic and exposure you build on the web.

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