When’s The Last Time You Logged Into MySpace

As I was driving through downtown Athens, Georgia, I heard a commercial on the radio that was telling the us, the listeners, about their product and then to go visit them on MySpace!

When I heard that, I immediately asked myself the question:  When was the last time I logged into MySpace?

And to be honest, I didn’t know the answer to that.  I did know that literally within the past hour or so I had checked both Facebook and Twitter on my iPhone.

This got me curious enough to compare MySpace to Facebook and Twitter in Google Trends website comparison tool, and here’s the results that I got:

Looking at the graph, I realized that my question was too unfair or far fetched.  By looks of things, I’m not the only who hasn’t logged into their MySpace account in quite sometime.

So let me ask you – when’s the last time you logged into your MySpace account?  Share your thoughts in the comments below – we’re all looking forward to hearing from you!

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