WordPress SEO Tips Part III – Be Keyword Concious

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WordPress SEO Tips Part III – Be Keyword Concious

Some of the best advice that can be given to journalists, writers, bloggers, and businesses who want to get more traffic and exposure on the web it this – BE KEYWORD CONCIOUS! And more specifically, be keyword conscious when you’re writing for the web.

And so it is with a WordPress blog.  Obviously, if you have a blog, you’re wanting to produce content around a specific topic.  But not only that, you’re probably wanting to build an audience, attract a lot of visitors, and more than likely generate revenue somehow from the traffic that does come to your site.

However, you’re just not sure how to attract the right audience and increase the amount of visitors to your site.  That’s where writing content and being keyword conscious comes into the picture.

So How Does It All Work!

Being keyword conscious means that when you write a new blog posting in your WordPress blog, you ensure that you’re including keyword phrases that people are actually searching for, and that directly relate to what you offer.

Here are some examples of the keyword conscious strategies:

*  Conduct keyword research

*  Include keyword phrases in blog title

*  Include keyword phrases throughout the content of your article

*  Link out to related articles and sources that are relevant to your article

All of the above are important, but I put “conduct keyword research” first because it will tell you what keyword phrases to include in your titles and articles.

My all time, top 2 favorite sources for conducting keyword research are the following:

1) Google Wonder Wheel:  This hidden gem within the Google search “options” allows you to do some deep exploration of keywords, concepts, and topics.  The Google Wonder Wheel is a powerful option for those who are stuck and can’t find something to blog about, or who need to explore the long tail of keyword phrases.  Google Wonder Wheel is also a powerful tool for deep conceptual research of topics.  Learn how to use it here.

2) Google Adwords Keyword Tool:  This is another powerful tool by Google, and just like the Wonder Wheel, it’s 100% free.  The Adwords Keyword Tool allows you to quickly research your keyword phrases, and allows you to see what phrases are the most competitive ones within your market.  And as you identify the most competitive keyword phrases, you are able to see those that are less competitive, and hold a lot of potential for you to gain a lot of traffic quickly.  Read more about it here.

Now that you have your tools for generating high quality keyword phrases, take those phrases and start building your WordPress content around it.  Use those phrases in your titles, throughout the posts, and in outbound links.

Another key place to use your keyword phrases is in the URL structure of the blog post.  So instead of having a URL for an article look like this: 

You want it to look like this: 

And as you get better at identifying your keyword phrases and integrating those phrases into your WordPress blog postings, you will begin to see a huge difference not only in the amount of traffic that is coming to your blog, but also in the quality of that traffic.

Because the more “keyword conscious” you become with your WordPress blog postings, the more of a return on your effort you will realize.

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  • Thanks. I write my blog for leisure, I haven't really put any effort into getting it all setup for Google. But I think I'll spend some time. I'm following this topic closely. Thanks for taking the time to write it.

  • Hi Alex - I'm assuming you have a Wordpress blog. And if that's the case, simply because you use Wordpress, you have already taken care of 90% of the SEO work that needs to be done - those are actually the words of Google Engineer Matt Cutts!

    The other 10% is simply writing good quality content that utilizes keyword phrases people are actually typing into the Google search bar. Wordpress makes it easy to be both a leisure blogger AND build an effective online presence!

    Thanks for stopping by Alex!

    By the way - how is your Facebook Connect Playground integration coming along?

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