Categories: TechnologyTwitter

Miley Cyrus Gets Feisty On Twitter – Tell’s Lame Bloggers To “SHUT UP”

miley-cyrus-twitter-profilemiley-cyrus-twitter-profileAt around 12:30 am EST this morning, somebody got under the skin of Miley Cyrus and let everyone know about on Twitter (@mileycyrus)

And apparently it was a “lame blogger“.  Man… what are we going to do with those blogger?

Not really sure what Miley Cyrus is refering to, or what “lame blogger” she is hammering, but here’s what she said:

“I’m the happiest I’ve ever been & for that my family’s SO grateful. So for LAME bloggers that don’t know what they’re talking about SHUT UP!”

(twitter image of update)


You can follow Miley Cyrus on Twitter here (@mileycyrus)

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  • the girl has every right to get feisty. when did she ever say liam was her boyfriend. what sources do u have one picture that she may be trying to get someone else jealous. read her tweets it looks like her boyfriend is nick jonas and u people r interfereing in this girls life. i would tell you worse that shutup for god sake leave her alone already

    • hey Lisa - I never said that Miley said anything... you need to find the blogger that said those things and go hammer him or her. But thanks for stopping by anyway - I do appreciate it!

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Tags: miley cyrus