Categories: Technology

Count Dracula Google Logo – Day 6 Google Celebrates Sesame Street’s 40th Anniversary

Count Dracula Google Logo

Google takes it to day 6 with it’s celebration of Sesame Street’s 40th anniversary by showing a Count Dracula Google logo.

For the past 6 days now, Google has been recognizing the classic children’s show with custom Google logos.  These logos have not only been up for the past 6 days, but they remain for a full 24 hours each day.

This is quite possibly the most recognition that Google has ever given from the homepage of the

Here’s the previous 5 days of Google logos honoring Sesame Street:

Day 1:  Big Bird Google Logo

Day 2:  Cookie Monster Google Logo

Day 3:  Bert and Ernie Google Logo

Day 4:  Oscar the Grouch

Day 5:  Elmo Google Logo

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