The iVIP iPhone App Has a Website & Twitter Profile, But No Facebook Fan Page…

The $1000 iPhone App

I wrote earlier today about the $1000 iPhone App called iVIP – actually it’s only $999.99.  Well… a few hours later I saw my Twitter update about my article actually got retweeted by none other than iVIP themselves!

That’s when I visited the iVIP Twitter profile, I saw they has a link to the iVIP World website!

No Facebook Fan Page

But what I was confused about was the fact that iVIP did not have a Facebook Fan Page!

In my opinion, a Facebook Fan Page is the most critical component to a social marketing and branding campaign.

Especially considering the fact that the iVIP iPhone App requires you to be a millionaire, there’s no better way to build a brand and reach a certain clientele than through social media outlets like a Facebook Fan Page.

All of this was a pleasant surprise, and the iVIP iPhone App (opens iTunes) is certainly intriguing to me.

Unfortunately, since I’m not a millionaire (yet), I’m not going to be able to test out the app and report back on what I find.

Maybe one of the dozen or more current owners will start their own blog and start telling us about it!

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