Video Conferencing Mobile Phone – Is This The iPhone Killer?

Video Conference Calls On Your Mobile Phone

The vPhone (yes, that’s right – the V-PHONE), is something that others have tried to achieve, but failed.

Saygus, the company behind the new vPhone, is expecting to have their phone on the market by early 2010.

The vPhone runs on the Google Android operating system, and boasts a lot of cool features – none other than the 2 – way video conferencing among them.

Here’s what Saygus has to say on their website:

“Saygus’s mobile, real-time, two-way video calling technology allows families, individuals, business and medical, military, governmental and security personnel access to high speed data information at low transfer speed rates, thus eliminating the need for high speed networks and network build-out normally required to access rich media.”

Other Great Features

Not only is the 2 way video conferencing a pretty cool feature, but the vPhone can also act as a wireless hotspot for your laptop.

So if you’re someplace where there’s no wireless access, just turn your vPhone into the wireless router and you’ll be cooking online – all while you’re talking to your friends on the phone!

The iPhone Killer?

Is this possibly the iPhone killer?  My guess is “no” because up to this point, the one thing the iPhone has that no other providers has is a robust app store.

These mobile devices are driven by apps – and apps that are free or very inexpensive.

Verizon, AT&T, and even Google for that matter, have yet to come up with a convenient app store for Android phones.

How vPhones are expected to sell?  CEO Chad Sayers says, “Quite frankly, my dream is to sell 7 million of them and beat the iPhone its first year.”

Even though I don’t think it’s the iPhone killer, with 2 way video conferencing, and using the phone as a wireless hotspot, these are features that are sure to pick up momentum in the mobile phone market.

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