Is Your Facebook Fan Box Not Updating? Here’s The Fix

Facebook Fan Page Fan Box Not Updating

I wrote an article on Sunday about how to fix the problem of your Facebook Fan Box not updating.  And since then, I’ve had several people contact me about the same issue, and how sometimes the solution I provided would suddenly stop working.  So now I have 2 solutions for the problem of your Facebook Fan Box not updating properly.

2 Ways To Fix Your Facebook Fan Box Not Updating

Solution #1:

1) Go to the source code where you have your Facebook Fan Box embedded into your website.

2) Remove this piece of code >>  ’static.ak’

3) Once you’ve removed ’static.ak’, save your changes and refresh your website – your stream should be working now.

Solution #2:

My second solution for fixing the “Facebook Fan box not updating” issue to embed your fan box into your site using an Iframe.  Iframes allow you to embed code into a site, yet keep the code isolated from the site – so that the embedded code is not affected by anything within the code of the site (i.e. javascript, widgets, etc…)

Facebook actually provides detailed instructions on how to embed your Facebook Fan Box using an IFrame, and you can read those instructions here.

And here’s a copy of the instructions:

Using an IFrame instead of JavaScript

We highly recommend Using JavaScript to add a Fan Box, as it allows your site to add more social widgets (other Fan Boxes or Live Stream Boxes) easily in the future.

If you are unable to use this method for some reason, you can use add a Fan Box using an HTML iframe tag, like this:

<iframe scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ src=”
&css=PATH_TO_STYLE_SHEET&locale=your_LOCALE” allowtransparency=
“true” style=”border: none; width: 300px; height: 550px;”></iframe>
<div style=”font-size:8px; padding-left:10px”><a href=”URL_TO_YOUR_PAGE”>PAGE_NAME</a>
on Facebook</div>

You need to specify your Page ID in the iframe src attribute You also must specify the URL to your Page in the anchor tag in the div.

You can choose to hide the stream from the Fan Box by changing 1 to 0 in the stream URL parameter.

You can modify the number of fans to display by changing the setting for the connections URL parameter. Setting connections to 0 hides your fans. You cannot specify more than 100 fans.

You can reference a style sheet by passing css, a URL-encoded GET parameter, to the iframe src. Your style sheet can modify the Fan Box’s colors and fonts, but it cannot delete, obscure or modify:

  • Your Page title and icon
  • The Become a Fan button
  • The order of the elements (button, stream, fans)

You can specify the language in which you want the Fan Box to appear by including the locale parameter. See Facebook Locales for the list of locales currently available.

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