Categories: TechnologyTwitter

Live Twitter Stream of Avatar Movie Reviews

Twitter has been known to be a blessing and a curse to new movies.  With people able to instantly update their thoughts about a movie – literally as they are watching it – Twitter is a great resource for making your decision to spend the money to see a movie!

Here’s a live Twitter stream of what people are saying about the new movie Avatarwhich debuted last week in London and is now showing throughout the US starting last night.

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  • For decades, movies were very one-way; the audience would sit in front of the screen and absorb the movie in front of them. Today, we have the option of becoming involved with a particular movie even weeks or months before we see it. Through social media outlets like Flickr, YouTube or Twitter and with interactive applications like the Avatar trailer, we are able to watch and absorb information about the film and share our opinions with our peers and directly with the production companies. I wrote more about the interactive Avatar trailer here: .

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