Twitter Mashup Shows Where It’s Snowing

uk snow app twitteruk snow app twitterThe UK Snow App is a cool mashup of Twitter and Google Maps.

This mashup is designed for the UK currently, but perhaps with a growing popularity, we’ll see it expand into the US (or maybe you can build one for the US…)

This app searches Twitter for real-time snow reports and displays them on the map.  All you have to do is tweet the hashtag #uksnow, the first half of your postcode, and rate the snow that is fallingout of ten (0/10 for nothing, 5/10 for steady snow and 10/10 for arctic blizzard conditions).  Then the tweets automatically update the Google Map every minute.

There is also a UK Snow App for the iPhone making it even easier to update the map!

Literally on a daily basis, I am finding new and innovative ways that people are using Twitter!  With the utilization of hashtags, the innovation is virtually unlimited, and left only to your imagination.

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