Facebook Tries To Be More “Twitter” Like With Retweets

I’m of the opinion, and have been for about a year or so now, that we’ve only seen a small snippet of the relevance and influence that Twitter will bring to the web.  And today, my belief is reinforced again with the fact that Facebook is now implementing a sharing function that acts exactly like retweeting.

Although the “sharing” function on Facebook – or the equivalent of a retweet – seems to only be live on updates that have links, the functionality and viral marketing exposure that resharing (or retweeting) brings to Facebook is huge.

This is, in my opinion, another example of how the big players on the web are all in “catch up mode”, trying to catch Twitter.  I mean, you don’t see Google, Yahoo, and Bing all knocking on the doors of Facebook to get their streams integrated into their search results.

I’m excited about the resharing (retweeting) function on Facebook because I’m a big fan of Facebook – especially Facebook Fan Pages.  And to learn more about how to use the new resharing function on Facebook, I’m going to defer you to my favorite blog Mashable!

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