Categories: MarketingYouTube

Google Markets Nexus One From YouTube Home Page

Google has taken full advantage of their web properties when it comes to marketing the Nexus One Google phone.  When the phone first released a couple of weeks ago, Google immediately put a text link ad on their homepage ( to promote the Nexus One website.  Google has since taken down that link and replaced it with information about the Haiti relief efforts.  However, Google has now leverage the power of another popular web property for marketing the Nexus One –

If you visit the homepage of Youtube right now, you will see a large ad at the top that markets the Nexus One.  This is, once again, the benefit of owning the most popular web properties in the world – you can advertise your own products on them!

It’s also a lesson to every business in the world – build a strong presence on the web with your own website or blog, and you can benefit from the ownership and exclusive marketing on that property!

Here’s a snippet of the YouTube homepage marketing the Nexus One:

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