Categories: MobileTechnology

Google Disappoints With Nexus One Sales {CHART}

nexus one sales dissapointnexus one sales dissapointSince the Nexus One mobile phone launch on January 5th, Google has seen less than stellar sales figures.  According to, only 20,000 units were during that first week.  Let’s compare for a moment to the iPhone 3GS first week sales, which were…. wait for it… 1.6 million!  Yes, that’s million with an “M”.

Below is a chart comparing first week sales of various mobile phones:

NexusOne FirstWeekSalesComparison Table resized 600NexusOne FirstWeekSalesComparison Table resized 600

It’s probably a good thing that Google hasn’t sold a lot of these phones, because then they’d have more people upset about their customer service.  From the feedback that people have been sharing, and according to customer complaints, the Nexus One has trouble connecting to and holding a 3G internet connection.

And for customers who are upset, they have the choice of either emailing a complaint and waiting 3 days for a response from Google – or which is probably very scripted and not much help.  Or, they can try to call HTC, then get routed to T-Mobile, then get routed back to HTC, and ultimately not get their issues resolved.

To be honest, I would have thought the sales for the Nexus One would have been a lot stronger based on the buzz and anticipation that was built up around the initial launch.  But 20,000 units sold in the first week sounds like a really small number, especially when comparing it to the iPhone 3GS with 1.6 million units sold.

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