Categories: SportsVideos

Joannie Rochette Short Program Performance {VIDEO}

Joannie Rochette emotional short program performance

Two days after the death of her mother, Joannie Rochette sits in third after a very emotional short program.  As most of the world knows, 24 year old olympic skater Joannie Rochette lost her mother to a heart attack on Sunday night in Vancouver.  Following such a difficult lost, the skater took to the ice on last night to compete in the womens figure skating competition.

Watch Joannie Rochette’s Emotional Performance:

Click the image below to watch the full performance in high def.  Because the Olympics does not allow distribution of their videos, all we can do is drive traffic to the NBC Olympic site where the videos are displayed.

Click image below for the full, high def video of Joannie Rochette’s performance:

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