Small Business Blogging – You No Longer Have A Choice

Small Business Blogging – Why you no longer have a choice

Let me ask you a question – what does Google favor more than anything else in the world?  That’s right… CONTENT!

So wouldn’t it be logical then if {fill in your name, business, product, service, etc…} wanted more exposure on the web, then you would be producing more content about {your name, business, product, service, etc…}?

I know, I know… you’re too busy, don’t have the time to write anything, you hate writing as it is, and besides all of the above, what in the world are you going to write about anyway?

These are all great excuses, and I certainly understand where you’re coming from when you say such things – believe, I was there once too.

But here’s some really good news!

Almost all of your competitors are thinking that exact same thing, which leaves a wide open opportunity for someone to step up and dominate your market place on the web.

The only question is – will it be you?  Or will some other unknown player in your marketplace be the first one to step up, start a blog, and within a year be the name that everyone is talking about?

You see, starting a blog is no longer an option.  Unless of course you think that remaining “average” is acceptable to your business.

Everyone is flocking to the web, and even more specifically, to social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.

But what do people do if they have a want or a need – like what you or your business provides?  What do you think people do first before anything else?

That’s right… man you are getting good at this.


When somebody is looking for information on a product or service, or they have a want or need that needs to be fulfilled, nearly 9 out of 10 people will turn to Google and conduct a search.

Now the only question is – when someone from your local market place, or even from the other side of the world searches for what you offer, who is found on the front page of Google?

Is it you, or your competitors?

What they person sees on the front page of Google when they conduct a search is nothing more than content.  But it’s content that Google previously crawled and indexes, and is now associating relevance in conjunction with the keyword phrase that searcher typed in.

With 9 out of 10 people conducting a search first on Google when researching a business, product, or service, do you think you can afford any longer to not have a small business blog?  Even if you’re a large, international business, it’s no longer an option!

You need to compete – you need to connect to new prospects – and you now know that over 90% of your potential customers are turning to Google to find what you offer.

Now the only question is – what are you going to do about it?

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Tags: Google