How To Grow Your Blog with Twitter & Facebook

Growing Your Blog with Twitter & Facebook

The way I see it, you need to prioritize your efforts on the web by focusing on those things (those sites) that can give you the biggest return on your efforts. We’re all busy!, right?  So if you’re like me, you don’t want to waste your time and energy on the web doing things that don’t help you increase traffic, reach more prospects, and generate more revenue.

Here’s how I maximize my blogging efforts:

Google Is My #1 Priority

Google is of course my #1 priority simply because when someone is “searching”, they are expressing an intent to fill a want or a need.  And you, as a business, would be foolish to not want to connect to someone who is actively searching for what you provide.

But beyond Google, and the intent that search represents, comes Facebook and Twitter.

Facebook & Twitter for Online Marketing

Facebook and Twitter represent the power of syndication and viral marketing.  If just a few people within Facebook and Twitter like your content, or your updates, then one of the most common things for that person to do is share your content with others.

It’s thing “sharing” aspect that can very quickly present your content to new readers.  And these readers make up a whole new audience of prospects that you otherwise would have never reached without Facebook and Twitter.

How I Use Facebook & Twitter

The way that I leverage both Facebook and Twitter for syndicating my content is simply by taking distributing my blog postings to each social networking site.

As I write a new article, it goes automatically to Twitter and reaches my nearly 2500 followers.  And I then manually take that Twitter update and send it directly to my Facebook Fan Page where another 350 plus readers can potentially read my content.

The great thing about social networks, and especially Facebook, is that people can interact and comment on my content.  And even better than that, they can redistribute my content to all of their friends (Faceb00k) and followers (Twitter) by sharing (or retweeting).

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