Categories: Business

Making Money with Google Adsense – Part 1

Google Adsense – How To Make Money

As someone who generates revenue exclusively from Google Adsense, I’m going to share some of my thoughts and observations that I’ve discovered.  These tips and tricks aren’t really “tricks” in the sense that I’m cheating, or somehow out thinking Google.  It’s more like techniques I’ve discovered through testing, re-testing, and patience!

Understanding Advertisers in Google Adwords

When it comes to Google Adsense, you have to understand that how much you make is a derivative of how much the advertisers are paying who’s ads appear on your site.

So logic would tell you that if you want to maximize your chances of making the most money per click, then you need to find a way to get the highest paying advertisers to show their ads on your site.

And this is not something you can do by talking to someone, or asking advertisers to place their ads on your site.  This is a process where Google analyzes the keyword phrases and content of your page, and then according what the Google crawlers find, they will automatically place ads from Google Adwords advertisers.

You have to understand that Google Adsense is all a big matching game.  Your site has the keywords and the content – Google has the ad inventory via Google Adwords – so now its simply a process of Google matching the two.

It’s not rocket science by any means – it’s simply a matter of understand that certain ads will migrate toward matching content.

Attracting the highest paying Google Adsense ads

In order for your site to attract the highest paying ads, and thus generate the highest possible revenue from Google Adsense, you should follow some simple principles in generating content.

1)  Using Profitable Keywords in your Title

When it comes to the hierarchy of a web page, the most valuable element is the <H1> tag – otherwise known as the page title.

For those of you who use WordPress, it’s the title of your article.

So using profitable, targeted keywords in your title is one of the best ways that you can directly influence the type of ads that appear on your site.

Then, throughout the content of your site using subtitles, and making those subtitles bold, helps to target your page even further and attract ads that match the phrases in your subtitles.

Concluding Part 1 – Making Money with Google Adsense

That’s all I have time for at the moment.

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