Categories: BusinessHealth

Increase Your Blog Postings For More Authority, Ranking, & Exposure

Updating your blog frequently is critically important for the health, crawlability, and exposure of your content in search engines.

It’s not something people think about too often, but did you know that the frequency in which you update your blog has a lot to do with the authority, rankings, and exposure of your blog?


Let’s take authority for example.  When I mention authority, I’m referring primarily to Google’s PageRank (PR).  The frequency in which you post new content can directly impact your blog’s authority because new article’s are what attracts the Google crawlers back to your blog.  New articles mean new crawling and indexing opportunities in Google.

So the more Google comes back to your site to crawl and index your content, the more healthy your blog will become in Google’s index.  And a healthier blog (from a technical perspective) typically means more authority and higher PageRank (PR).


The more frequently you update you blog, the more authority your blog will build over time.  The more authority your blog has in Google, the higher rankings your content will receive for comparative keyword phrases.

For any given keyword phrase that someone searches, there are typically thousands of pages in which Google can display in the search results.  What determines the pages that will be shown on the front page (the top 10)?  It’s simply a matter of authority.

Ranking in Google is a visual representation of authority for any given query.

So by updating your blog more frequently will allow your blog to build more authority.  This authority will allow for higher comparative rankings for any given search query.


Of course, the higher your articles rank in Google for search queries, the more exposure and traffic your blog will receive.

It’s critically important for blog owners to understand that each page (or article) within your blog is an entrance point to your site.  Whatever people see at the top of your blog (the header), and the sidebars of your blog are what is typically seen by every single visitor.

So the more exposure your blog has, the more aware of your sites design, layout, and type of information that is being exposed in the parts of your blog that are present on every single article.

But the button line is that if you want to have more authority, which results in higher rankings in Google, which results in more traffic and exposure, then you need to start increasing the frequency in which you post articles.

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