Tiki Barber Leaves Wife For Girlfriend Traci Lynn Johnson

Tiki Barber Leaves Wife For Girlfriend Traci Lynn Johnson

tiki barber leaves wifetiki barber leaves wife

In a stunning decision by former NFL running Tiki Barber, he has decided to leave his pregnant wife for his girlfriend, Traci Lynn Johnson.

In his worst career move since retiring one year before the New York Giants won the Super Bowl, Today Show correspondent and former NFL star Tiki Barber has dumped Ginny Barber, his wife, for former NBC intern Traci Lynn Johnson, reports say.

Tracy Lynn Johnson is just 23. They have two sons already and Ginny Barber is eight months pregnant with twins. A twin himself, you’d think Tiki would respect that.

This is clearly a reflection of the selfish nature that we all have. And it is truly sad moment for Tiki Barber and his pregnant wife.

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  • Tiki is a real jerk. What goes around will come around. I hope Ginni will move on with her life; She does not need a cheater in her life. She deserve better.

    Tiki's fling is not going to last. What a shamed.

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