iPad 3g Data Plan (Pricing & Cost)

iPad 3g Data Plan (Pricing & Cost)

ipad 3g data pricing planipad 3g data pricing plan

When the iPad 3G finally does arrive, you have to know that it comes with a price for all that 3G speed from AT&T.

And the price for mobile 3G speed is not cheap by any means.

But the iPad 3G, along with AT&T does seem to have a pretty good deal compared to the iPhone’s straight up $30 per month – regardless of how much data you use.

iPad 3G data plan price & cost:

$29.99 – unlimited 3G data plan

$14.99 – per month, 250 mb/month data plan

When you start approaching your 250 mb/month quota, you get a warning when you have 20% of your data left, 10% of your data left, and when you’re out of data. When you run out of the 250Mb, you are given the option to add an additional 250Mb or switch to the unlimited plan.

According to Steve Jobs, the 250 mb/month data plan for the iPad will be sufficient for most users.

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