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Polish News: Poland President Lech Kaczynski Dies in Plane Crash

Polish News: Poland President Lech Kaczynski Dies in Plane Crash

Today is certainly a sad day for the people of Poland. You never want to have to wake up in the morning to this kind of news coming out of Poland.

Early this monring, a Russian plane carrying the President of Poland Lech Kaczynski, his wife Maria Kaczynski, and dozens of senior Polish officials, crashed just a few miles of Katyn, Russia.

The Polish President was returning from a ceremony at the site of the Katyn atrocity which Russia finally admiteed responsibility in 1990.

According to the Telegraph in the UK, Poland President Lech Kaczynski was a patriot: a man who never collaborated with the dictators or accepted the occupation of his country by the Red Army.

Some Polish politicians, who had made occasional compromises – muting their criticism in return for being allowed to take up foreign postings, for example – found his purism uncomfortable.

But ordinary Poles admired Kaczynski, and elected him with a handsome majority.

This is truly a sad day for the people of Poland. President Lech Kaczynski will certainly dominate the news for the weeks to come, and our thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Poland.

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