Justin Bieber Says Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana Are ‘Corny’

Justin Bieber Says Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana Are ‘Corny’

Justin Bieber is certainly an anomaly amongst teen sensation super stars.

He already has #1 hits under his belt, and now has a SNL (Saturday Night Live) gig behind him as well.

In an interview conducted by MTV, Justin Bieber was asked about why he’s so popular among various demographics, and he replied with:

“I think it’s because I didn’t go through the Disney route. I didn’t go corny… I’ve been cool and collected.”

Wow, so first of all, Justin Bieber just called The Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana (and you can probably throw all other Disney stars under the same bus) “corny”.

Does Disney Manufacture Talent

I think if nothing else, this raises a very good question and one I’ve talked about with my wife before on several occasions.

Does Disney just manufacture talent?

Basically, does Disney take ordinary kids and create a “product” out of them through their own marketing and promotion, and in essence manufacture talent for the sake of profiting their company?

Justin Bieber doesn’t seem manufactured in the “Disney” sense of the word.

What do you think?

Does Disney manufacture talent much like an assembly line would manufacture a product?

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    • justin bieber is corny he sounds like a girl in some of the songs and the jonas brothers arent corny at all coz the other justin was saying oh they are sooo cool and that make your mind up mate the jonas brothers have been round longer than justin and they are better too..

  • Justin Bieber looks and sounds like a baby, at least the Jonas Brother are more manly. God i hate justin beiber

    • Justin bieber is going to be forgotten within the next few years. What bothers me the most is that he dosnt even write his own songs. The jonas brothers write every single one of their songs and justin shouldn't be calling them corny cuz they are great singers and they don't have to be mean to other bands to make themselves more popular. They are more mature and actually know what they are singing about. People like them cuz they are great singers and songwriters and people only like justin cuz of the flippy hair and the cute smile. No one will remember him and he will end up on one of those where are they now shows. JOBROS 4EVER!!!!! <3

      • Yeah you're right,justin's gonna be gone in a few years...and the Jonas brothers are 4ever'!!!!!!!!!. You go girl...!

      • I love the Jonas Brothers also but Justin is just saying that Disney producers are making people famous to make them money. I love Demi, Selena, etc. Justin is just as good! And not EVERYONE should like Disney!! He is 16 for god sakes! I dont think he watches Disney! Give him a break and stop bashing on him because your not famous.

  • what a big headed boy!! he has only been in the public eye for a short time and already his head is firmly implanted up his backside!! at least people like the Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez etc are done to earth and appreciate what they have and try to make a different to the world because of their status.
    I have never heard a Justin Bieber song, and this confirms that i never want to either!!

  • Disney is a useful way to promote yourself & that's what many of the stars. The Jonas Brothers and their talent was not discovered by Disney they are not manufactured by Disney either. Nick was discovered in a Barbers, signed from there along with his brothers Kevin and Joe. Disney later signed them to their label Hollywood Records and helped promote them but they always had the talent and remain to their beliefs taught by their parents to stay humble and remember who you are and where you come from.

  • Disney is corny, but that's why people love it so much- little kids can't tell the cornyness apart from the normal stuff, and as you get older, because it's corny, it becomes a guilty pleasure. Everybody loves some cornyness. Also, Jonas brothers didn't make their name through disney specifically. They were already found and created as a band before getting their own TV show/movie etc. Honestly I prefer all the disney stars to Justin Bieber, because they're all extremely talented. (I'm not saying Bieber isn't), but it's not because of disney that they've become so big, it's because they're talented and they deserve it.

  • Where to start...first, Justin is biting the hand that feeds him a bit considering how much support he's received from Radio Disney. That's what his youngest, most loyal fans are listening to, so he should tread lightly.

    I'll openly admit that much of the Disney stuff is corny. But if you look at what the artists do outside of their work with their shows -- Miley when she's not Hannah, Jonas Brothers outside of Jonas (which just started in 2009) and Camp Rock, Demi outside of Sonny with a Chance and Camp Rock -- they have the talent and personality that sets them apart as stars. Demi's self-penned "Catch Me" is deep and reflective for a 17 year old. Miley has proven her ability to connect with audiences with "The Climb". And the Jonas Brothers connect with their fans on a level that very few artists seem to be able to do. And, they write great songs. Have you heard "Hey Baby" or "Please Be Mine"? How about "Conspiracy Theory" or "Rose Garden" from Nick Jonas' side project, Nick Jonas & The Administration. Whether or not they are your cup of tea, the kids have talent -- and Disney does have the ability to find and market talent.

    As far as manufactured, Justin Bieber is more manufactured than the Jonas Brothers. The Jonas Brothers started as a small band in New Jersey, played mall gigs for years, write their own music, play their instruments, have a say in the production, their image and their future as a group. They were a band first and had dozens of songs written before Disney gave them any notice. Disney absolutely gave them the platform to be successful, but as have gained worldwide fame have remained true to themselves and to their upbringing (for which they are constantly ridiculed). And, if anyone has actually listened to full Jonas Brothers albums, you'll find that there is much more to them and their music than you might think. The fans are loyal for a reason.

    Sure, Justin may have been "discovered" on youtube, but his look, sound, and music have all been created and produced by a group of savvy producers and marketers. Some of his music is quite catchy (I own both albums), but that's because it was created by the best committee the team could buy. And I'm sorry, but the corniest song lyric of the past few years has to be from Bieber's own works: Eenie Meenie Miney Moe Lovah.

    Also - just as a final tidbit, Justin's own manager had Justin audition for Disney and Nickelodeon shows before they started a "legit" career. But, that didn't quite work out.

  • Where to start...first, Justin is biting the hand that feeds him a bit considering how much support he's received from Radio Disney. That's what his youngest, most loyal fans are listening to, so he should tread lightly.

    I'll openly admit that much of the Disney stuff is corny. But if you look at what the artists do outside of their work with their shows -- Miley when she's not Hannah, Jonas Brothers outside of Jonas (which just started in 2009) and Camp Rock, Demi outside of Sonny with a Chance and Camp Rock -- they have the talent and personality that sets them apart as stars. Demi's self-penned "Catch Me" is deep and reflective for a 17 year old. Miley has proven her ability to connect with audiences with "The Climb". And the Jonas Brothers connect with their fans on a level that very few artists seem to be able to do. And, they write great songs. Have you heard "Hey Baby" or "Please Be Mine"? How about "Conspiracy Theory" or "Rose Garden" from Nick Jonas' side project, Nick Jonas & The Administration. Whether or not they are your cup of tea, the kids have talent -- and Disney does have the ability to find and market talent.

    As far as manufactured, Justin Bieber is more manufactured than the Jonas Brothers. The Jonas Brothers started as a small band in New Jersey, played mall gigs for years, write their own music, play their instruments, have a say in the production, their image and their future as a group. They were a band first and had dozens of songs written before Disney gave them any notice. Disney absolutely gave them the platform to be successful, but as have gained worldwide fame have remained true to themselves and to their upbringing (for which they are constantly ridiculed). And, if anyone has actually listened to full Jonas Brothers albums, you'll find that there is much more to them and their music than you might think. The fans are loyal for a reason.

    Sure, Justin may have been "discovered" on youtube, but his look, sound, and music have all been created and produced by a group of savvy producers and marketers. Some of his music is quite catchy (I own both albums), but that's because it was created by the best committee the team could buy. And I'm sorry, but the corniest song lyric of the past few years has to be from Bieber's own works: Eenie Meenie Miney Moe Lovah.

    Also - just as a final tidbit, Justin's own manager had Justin audition for Disney and Nickelodeon shows before they started a "legit" career. But, that didn't quite work out.

    • Justin bieber looks smaller on his age,his voice is girly and I call him JUSTIN GIRLY BIEBER......!!! JONAS all the way!!!

    • So true. Although I will admit Miley's got some serious vocal talent and so does Demi, I actually don't think they're all that great. Miley's a terrible role model and Demi thinks she's way cooler than she really is. They're super talented, though. And to think I thought Biiiiiiiiiber had potential.

      • no your wrong demi is way nicer than you think you don't know her so what are you sayin it's not true so back off of demi k and btw i agree about bieber

  • The only talent this boy has is developing a big head. Disney does have some acts that they developed. However, they have only helped others reach the path faster. The Jonas Brothers were a band and heading to stardom before they ran into Disney. The road would have taken longer though. Same with Miley Cyrus. Hannah helped her reach her goals faster. Justin is more manufactured than either the Jonas Brothers or Miley. He doesn't write his own music. He has a team that creates everything he does. This is not talent. Any 10 year old could fill that role with those conditions. His path to success is just as dependent on Disney or Nick as any other young act. Radio Disney is his biggest radio success. He guest starred on a Nick show. The word he's looking for is not corny. The Disney acts are aimed toward families with good, solid values. This boy has none of those qualities. He as already alienated Mariah Carey, now his own peers. There is nothing "cool or collected" about him. He acts like a spoiled brat. And that kind of attitude will alienate the parents of his young fans, the people buying his product, in about 3 months.

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