Categories: Sports

Did Ben Roethlisberger Commit Rape?

ben roethlisberger commited rapeben roethlisberger commited rapeDid Ben Roethlisberger Commit Rape?

Now that we’ve had a chance to read the Ben Roethlisberger police report (and if you haven’t, you probably should so you understand the context of this article).

So now that we’ve read the report, let me ask you this – what was your very first conclusion?

I will just come right out and tell you mine:

Ben Roethlisberger raped that girl – period!

He (Ben Roethlisberger) came out of the bathroom with his penis in his hand and walked up to the girl (the victim).

She (the victim) told him “NO”.

He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into the bathroom where she (the victim) again told him (Ben Roethlisberger) “NO” – and then he proceeded to have sex with the victim.

Can somebody please tell me what you call that?

I’m perplexed because people don’t seem to be calling this for what it really is.

And when Ben was finished with the victim, he just left without saying a word.

The victim, and her friend Nicole Biancofiore ran to the nearest police car to report what had happened.

So please people – can we start calling this thing what it really is….

Ben Roethlisberger committed rape and appears to have gotten away with it (for now anyway).

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  • He did not drag her to the bathroom. His bodyguards led her to a hallway where Ben came in shortly afterward with his penis exposed. She said no and then tried to leave, but ended up in the bathroom instead. Ben shut the door and that's when he allegedly raped her. Pretty messed up.

  • I have a good friend from school who is from Pitt. He goes to some of the same watering holes as Ben, and told me point blank to my my face that Ben is an obnoxious drinker. When he's wasted he says anything that comes to his head to women. A lot of the times they are so offended that they don't even care that he's a star.

    After reading excerpts from the police reports - I truly believe that Ben "TAKE THE GoOdieS" Rothlisberger raped that young woman. I also believe he belongs in jail and out of the NFL totally. If we can send Michael Vick to jail for abusing dogs then certainly what Rothlisberger did is far worse. I used to have a good opinion of him even though I wasn't a Steeler's fan. Now I think he is just a P-O-S. He belongs in jail where any other rapist would be. Payoffs just seem to cement the facts that he knew what he did was wrong. The Pennsylvania State Police need to investigate the officer that was his bodyguard and bring him up on charges also if the facts indicate the he aided and abetted the rape of that young woman. This just makes my skin crawl.

    This man should be in jail. There are women who try to take rich people(Like the Seagal story), but this woman has back up witness. Multiple witness confirm the first thing out of her mouth was help me, I was raped. It was not hey, I just got lucky with a football player.
    What should be the deciding factor is was the "ripped". A woman who has willing s*x with someone, would not have her genitals ripped. A woman forced to have s*x, will be ripped and bleeding. This is one of the reasons it is so important to have a victim checked at the hospital.

    I just wonder why all these superstar types feel that they have to get a woman drunk before trying to get theirs. The fact that a 28 yr old man needs to engage 20 yr olds is sad in itself; the fact that s*xual assault is not a strong enough crime like say, dog fighting is sadder! How do we send one guy to jail for dogs and then let a rapist stay in the game because he has two rings?

  • I have a good friend from school who is from Pitt. He goes to some of the same watering holes as Ben, and told me point blank to my my face that Ben is an obnoxious drinker. When he's wasted he says anything that comes to his head to women. A lot of the times they are so offended that they don't even care that he's a star.

    After reading excerpts from the police reports - I truly believe that Ben "TAKE THE GoOdieS" Rothlisberger raped that young woman. I also believe he belongs in jail and out of the NFL totally. If we can send Michael Vick to jail for abusing dogs then certainly what Rothlisberger did is far worse. I used to have a good opinion of him even though I wasn't a Steeler's fan. Now I think he is just a P-O-S. He belongs in jail where any other rapist would be. Payoffs just seem to cement the facts that he knew what he did was wrong. The Pennsylvania State Police need to investigate the officer that was his bodyguard and bring him up on charges also if the facts indicate the he aided and abetted the rape of that young woman. This just makes my skin crawl.

    This man should be in jail. There are women who try to take rich people(Like the Seagal story), but this woman has back up witness. Multiple witness confirm the first thing out of her mouth was help me, I was raped. It was not hey, I just got lucky with a football player.
    What should be the deciding factor is was the "ripped". A woman who has willing s*x with someone, would not have her genitals ripped. A woman forced to have s*x, will be ripped and bleeding. This is one of the reasons it is so important to have a victim checked at the hospital.

    I just wonder why all these superstar types feel that they have to get a woman drunk before trying to get theirs. The fact that a 28 yr old man needs to engage 20 yr olds is sad in itself; the fact that s*xual assault is not a strong enough crime like say, dog fighting is sadder! How do we send one guy to jail for dogs and then let a rapist stay in the game because he has two rings?

  • The police report described a s*x scene, not a rape. The accuser said "he had s*x with me." She did not say "he raped me." Consensual s*x often begins with one person saying "we really shouldn't do this.," and they have s*x anyway.

  • I cant believe that someone thinks that consensual s*x often begins with one person saying we really shouldn't do this and then have s*x anyway. Consensual s*x often begins with consensual kissing, consensual foreplay, and then goes on to consensual s*x.

  • WOW there are two sides to every story! I am a 22 year old female and never would have put myself in that situation... Secondly, girls are liars. It is her word against his.. People get blamed all the time for things they do not do.... So YOUR the one jumping to the conclusion cause YOU are taking someone's word..

  • C'mon man!

    She was not dragged into that bathroom she lead him there.
    She did not say "no"; She said "No we dont need to do this”. “WE dont need to do this”; WE!!!!!!! She was just as much a part of it as he was.
    She never asks him to “stop”?
    She never tries anything to physically stop the act.
    She never even shouts for help??

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