Categories: FacebookMarketing

Facebook Fan Pages New “Like” Function Not “Liked” By Most

facebook fan page logofacebook fan page logoFacebook Fan Pages New “Like” Function Not “Liked” By Most

Facebook has been on a rampage with the updating of their Facebook Fan Page functionality. Since yesterday, Facebook has launched a new “like” element, took the new “like” element down, and then brought it back to life earlier today.

The new “Like” functionality is designed, according to Facebook, to:

To improve your experience and promote consistency across the site, we’ve changed the language for Pages from “Fan” to “Like.” We believe this change offers you a more light-weight and standard way to connect with people, things and topics in which you are interested.

So Facebook believes you need a more light-weight and standard way to connect with people, things, and topics in which you are interested.

Facebook basically wants to make the Fan Page updates more integrated with the rest of the normal update streams of Facebook, making them less distinguished as they were when your Facebook Fan Page had “fans”.

The response to this new “Like” update to Facebook Fan Pages has been less then stellar – to say the very least.  Here’s some samples of responses I’ve been getting from readers of my previous articles on the new Facebook Fan Page here and here:


Not being able to see the complete list of fans stinks. Also, I can’t seem to figure out how it’s making the distinction between “friends who like” and “people who like” because I have friends split between the two categories.


annoyed they made the switch it really is stupid. I thought it was innovative the way they made the fan pages in order increase revenue and I feel its been a success now it seems there trying new marketing tools inorder to confuse people into liking something they dont want to become a fan for as a filmmaker I want my films to have fans n not likes but w/e


Changing Become a fan to like okay what ever makes them happy , but disabling the see all function? thats not cool , Im running an advert campain and the old see all would list the fans in chronological order I could revert back to the sight and see who the new people are , this was handy and informative , know what I get to see 6 people FB decides to ramdomly show , what for ? this is silly its like half a job and very social networking like , effect this has on me I already dropped my advert bids to 0.01 .
Simply put if it ain’t broke don’t fix it……….


This is a horrible plan for adverisers who should be able to se the entire list of fans. why would someone advertise their page for more fans when they can’t access the list of thowr fans?

We are dropping our ads!

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  • i agree i want my pages to have sounds much much better i had 50,000 fans that liked my it's chaned so i just have 50,000 that like it that's all....people love to become fans of things....were always liking different stuff if a fan page asks me to become a fan i think yes if it's cool but if a pages says like well i've been busy liking stuff all day that my friends have put up...why should i press like to something again so easily...? get my point...ask if if i want to become a one ask me that for a while you have my attention......less is more!!

  • AFAICS the ability to "See all" your People Formerly Known as Fans is back as of today, working as it always did.

    However, I wonder whether this change is inhibiting people from "connecting" with the page. The page I run was gaining Fans at a rate of 5-6 per day but has suddenly stopped dead. Maybe it's too early to tell but I'll be watching this closely.

  • We have not had one new person "like" our page since this was put into effect. Previously, we were averaging 6 to 10 new fans per day. This is disastrous! Facebook needs to re-evaluate this feature.

    • The only downside is that the application first requests access to your profile - this will be a huge turnoff to people

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