Categories: iPadTechnology

iPad 3G Release / Ship Date Controversy

ipad wi fi 3g shipping date controversyipad wi fi 3g shipping date controversyiPad 3G Release / Ship Date Controversy

There seems to be a bit of confusion settling in regarding the iPad 3G release data / shipping date. People are now being told that if they pre-ordered an iPad Wi-Fi + 3G, then they won’t be receiving their iPad 3G until after the stores get them on April 30th.

According to a press release yesterday by Apple, the iPad 3g will be delivered to US customers who’ve pre-ordered on Friday, April 30, and will be available in Apple retail stores the same day starting at 5:00 p.m.

However, this doesn’t seem to line up with a phone / chat session someone had with Apple customer support. The dialogue below basically states that if you pre-ordered your Pad Wi-Fi + 3G on or after April 19, it will ship per the dates quoted on the Apple Online Store. As of today, iPad Wi-Fi + 3G orders will ship May 7.

Here’s the complete dialogue from someone chatting with Apple customer support over this issue:

Hi, my name is Deborah. Welcome to Apple!

Deborah: How may I assist you today?

You: Hello. I have a few questions about the ipad

Deborah: Sure! How can I help?

You: I preordered a 3g ipad the other day. My email says ships by May 7th. But reports are that the 3g will be in the store 5 pm on 30 April

You: I have a hard time believing that I wont get my pre order until after they are in the stores

Deborah: I am happy to explain.

You: ok

Deborah: iPad Wi-Fi + 3G orders placed on or after April 19, will ship per the dates quoted on the Apple Online Store. As of today, iPad Wi-Fi + 3G orders will ship May 7.

Deborah: Many of the store models have been reserved over the last month.

Deborah: Due to overwhelming demand, the stores are no longer accepting Reserves.

Deborah: It will be first come, first serve. With the excitement of the product, many locations will likely sell out.

You: Mine was preordered on April 19th in the morning

You: so according to you I should have in on 30 April

Deborah: No. iPad Wi-Fi + 3G orders placed on or after April 19, will ship per the dates quoted on the Apple Online Store. As of today, iPad Wi-Fi + 3G orders will ship May 7.

Deborah: You placed your order on the 19th.

You: so you are telling me that even though I preordered mine, I will not get it until a week after the store gets it?

Deborah: Correct. Pre-orders began in March. Orders will ship in the order they were received.

You: Then what is the point of preordering? that is a terrible business practice and I bet you are going to have a lot of ticked off people. I know I am going to be if that is true

Deborah: Keep in mind orders have been placed for a month as well as Retail Store reserves.

Deborah: It is first come, first serve. Those that ordered or reserved earlier will receive the product first.

You: I understand all that and that makes sense. but that has nothing to do with preorders shipping a week after the store recieves the item

Deborah: To clarify, inventory designated for retail store release and online orders prior to April 19th has all been depleted.

Deborah: New order or stock will ship as it is available.

You: Then Apple should have stopped calling it preorder. A preorder is an order placed for an item not yet in the store, reserving their own personal copy before the release to the store, guaranteeing delivery on release date

You: I do not understand how you all can justify a preorder shipping a full week after the store gets them

View Comments

  • Well I just got off the phone with Apple (there was a problem billing my CC for the iPad, because of fraud on iTunes, I had to cancel my CC last week). I gave the Apple Online Store my new CC number, attendant indicated that it would ship on or about April 26. I ordered my iPad on March 12.

  • It's not that hard to understand is it? You are pre-ordering because the product is not for sale yet. All the devices available have been depleted, so your pre-order will ship May 7. This will assure you of getting a product and not having to fight for one at an Apple store.

    I'm certain if you call Apple back they will be happy to cancel your pre-order.

  • To:****** *************
    Account: MC ****9 ending in ***9
    Transaction date: 04/21/2010*
    Amount: $789.15

    Your credit card was used for a transaction that was made online, by phone, or mail. This means your card was not swiped in a machine for this transaction.

    For up-to-date information about activity in your account, please visit Online Banking. Please call us immediately at 1.800.732.9194 if you do not recognize this transaction.

    Want to confirm this email is from Bank of America? Sign in to Online Banking and select Alerts History to verify this alert.

    *Transaction pending.

    On the other two Items I placed at the same time as my ipad (dock and case), they shipped those two items at different times the night my card was charged. So from that I would expect to wake up tomorrow, Thursday and see a tracking number for my ipad.

  • To:****** *************
    Account: MC ****9 ending in ***9
    Transaction date: 04/21/2010*
    Amount: $789.15

    Your credit card was used for a transaction that was made online, by phone, or mail. This means your card was not swiped in a machine for this transaction.

    For up-to-date information about activity in your account, please visit Online Banking. Please call us immediately at 1.800.732.9194 if you do not recognize this transaction.

    Want to confirm this email is from Bank of America? Sign in to Online Banking and select Alerts History to verify this alert.

    *Transaction pending.

    On the other two Items I placed at the same time as my ipad (dock and case), they shipped those two items at different times the night my card was charged. So from that I would expect to wake up tomorrow, Thursday and see a tracking number for my ipad.

  • I'm confused why this person is complaining? It totally makes sense. There's only so much inventory to go around. Many of us pre-ordered over a month ago and there's only so much inventory for those of us, as well as the stores. Should have pre-ordered sooner, or cancel your order, and get in line at the stores...

  • I'm confused why this person is complaining? It totally makes sense. There's only so much inventory to go around. Many of us pre-ordered over a month ago and there's only so much inventory for those of us, as well as the stores. Should have pre-ordered sooner, or cancel your order, and get in line at the stores...

    • Agreed, there's only so many items an inventory can hold. What's so hard to understand about that? -.-

  • The "controversy" i've seen is whether the April 30 date is for Apple to ship, or customers to receive. I just chatted with Apple Store support, and they confirmed that if you ordered BEFORE April 19 (not on the 19th) then the iPad will be DELIVERED on April 30.

    Lots of sites are saying that they will ship on the 30th, and that is incorrect.

    • Absolutely. What most people missed is that on April 19th, the apple store changed it's ship date to May 7. So everyone who pre-oredered it then, did so knowing the estimated ship date of May 7. Anyone before should receive the unit on April 30th as indicated. The same scenario played out with the Wifi model.

  • The problem is that they have been claiming on the website that it will be received by late April, if not delivered by late April, its false advertising.

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