Categories: HealthTechnology

Google Doodle Earth Day Logo

Google Celebrates Earth Day with Doodle Logo

Google is always ready to have fun and celebrate holidays, special events, and even birthdays of those who have made significant contributions to our society.

Today’s Google logo celebrates a cause that all of us should be interested in and that is Earth Day.

Earth Day takes place on April 22nd each year and is recognized in over 150 countries globally. The Earth Day slogan is “Think globally, act locally”, which shows that, even though we must live and thrive in our own communities, we are all still part of a bigger world and that our environmental decisions have global implications.

Google presents a new logo that is rich with the color green to represent a green, healthy planet.

The more environmentally conscious we become, the more of a positive impact we will have on our environment and the world.

Through efforts such as recycling, composting, and conservation, we all can do our part in contributing to a healthier environment.

According to Wikipedia, Earth Day is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment. It was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in held on April 22, 1970.

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