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Vera Baker And Barack Obama Affair, What To Think?

Vera Baker And Barack Obama Affair, What To Think?

The Barack Obama affair rumors are bound to explode today as allegations are leaking that the President had an affair with a woman named Vera Baker.

These rumors were started by The National Enquirer and supposedly are confirmed by a limo driver who was taking Vera Baker to the same hotel that Barack Obama was staying in.

The speculation has grown to such a degree that organizations who would love to see this all come crashing down on Barack Obama are supposedly offering $1 million dollars to anyone who can provide substantial evidence confirming the affair.

With this news breaking from The National Enquirer you have to be a bit skeptical right from the beginning. The National Enquirer has a reputation for spreading rumors that are less than legitimate and stories that are fabricated simply for the purpose of providing “juicy gossip”.

What do you think?

So what do you think about the news breaking about a potential Barack Obama and Vera Baker affair?

Do you think that Barack Obama actually had this affair with Vera Baker?

If the rumors end up being true, what level of fall out do you think we’ll see regarding Barack Obama’s presidency?

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    • only in the same way that one thousand monkeys at typewriters may occasionally spell a word correctly

    • I suppose all of you who are so convinced that this story is true also believe the various stories The Enquirer has claimed about the Palins? This includes an alleged affair Sarah had as well as the allegation that she faked her pregnancy with Trig to cover up for Bristol.

      You can't have it both ways.

      The Enquirer gets some things right but it also gets a lot of things wrong. It has settled many lawsuits based on false claims. That they have published this story, hardly proves anything.

      And, for the record, there have long been rumors of a well-kept secret among the Washington press corps that George H. Bush had a long time affair before becoming president. I'm also sure you are aware that adultery happens on the left and the right, so I'd be careful about that moral high ground you're standing on. It may not be quite as firm as you think.

      Oh and try to use critical thinking once it a's good for you.

      • Well said Independent Thinker! If we assume that the Enquirer is spot on, then boths sides are even!

    • I will add this week's Globe to my collection of Bush/Rice affair tabloids!

  • The article (such as it is) neglects to say that it was Enquirer that broke the reptilian John Edwards love-child story.

    Even if true, Democrats will view it as a "positive". BHO: "I did not have s*x with that woman, Ms. Baker.

    • They have also lost sevaral law suits. Carol Burnett successfully proved that they were wrong about their accusations that she was drunk.

  • Just remember, The Enquirer broke the story about the Breck Boy's affair and love child. Obama's apologists will come to his support just like Rahm and the Forehead did for Clinton. Poster girl Nancy will disavow any knowledge. Harry, the Snake, Reid will condemn the activity in an effort to bolster his reelection campaign. Limbaugh and Hannity will say, "I told you so." The scandalously apathetic American public will do nothing as usual. Arizona and Texas will secede and begin bussing all illegal immigrants to San Francisco.

  • No. Drudge Report was. (I think he hasdaccess to information that Newsweek was too timid to publish.)

    • The Drudge Report is a stujpid blog, hardly a real source of information and National Enquirer is hardly a
      real news source. It's but another attempt of Rupert Mucdoch to smear an honorable man. It's total fiction.

  • They sure got the Edwards affair right. And they were the only ones that stayed with the story! when I think of Obama, I think of a man that takes being tyrannical, narcissistic, egotistical, self absorbed to a whole new level. Oh yea, he would have no problem cheating, it is his "right"....just like it was Tiger's right to all his ho's.

    • Yes, he is as tyrannical, narcissistic, egotistical, self absorbed ((get Bin Laden dead or alive) as boooosh; did that bother you?

  • If he did it, I see no impact. He'll deny it despite the evidence (I'm assuming for the sake of argument that evidence exists) and Congress/the media will do/say nothing -- even less than was done to Bill Clinton.

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