Categories: HealthTechnology

Pathway Genomics, Over The Counter DNA Testing

Pathway Genomics, Over The Counter DNA Testing

pathway genomicspathway genomics

Since around 2007, over the counter DNA testing has been available to consumers. However, this is very unregulated and skeptical market since the results aren’t able to be analyzed and interpreted by professionals, doctors, and other medical scientists.

However, continuing in this trend of “over the counter” DNA testing, Pathway Genomics announced that Pathway’s personal genetic testing kits will be available at Walgreens. Starting in mid-May the Pathway Genomics Insight™ Saliva Collection Kit will be sold at many of Walgreens’ nearly 7,500 stores nationwide (with the exception of New York, due to a New York state law).  The Insight™ Saliva Collection Kit will retail in the $20 to $30 price range, according to a press released issued by Pathway today.

The Insight™ Saliva Collection Kit contains a small saliva collection kit, simple instructions, and a postage-paid envelope that customers can use to send their saliva sample back to the Pathway Genomics laboratory.  From there, they simply visit Pathway’s web site ( to create their own secure, password-protected account and order an individualized Genetic Insight™ Report for Drug Response ($79), Pre-Pregnancy Planning ($179), Health Conditions ($179) or a combination of all three ($249). Pathway’s Genetics Insight™ Reports offer consumers a convenient and affordable way to learn about their personal genetics.

“We’re revolutionizing the way people access information about their genetics, and through thousands of convenient Walgreens locations, we’re making it easier and more affordable than ever before to order a personalized genetic report,” said Jim Plante, CEO of Pathway Genomics. “The value of knowing how genes play a role in our personal lives, and potentially the lives of our children, is critical for making well-informed health and wellness decisions.”

The Potential Dangers

This Pathway Genomics testing kit is full of potential dangers to consumers however, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the FDA doesn’t step in, review this product, and force Wal Greens to take the product off the shelves until further notice.

Here’s a video about the new Pathway Genomics product:

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