Red Sismica De Puerto Rico – Red Sismica De Puerto Rico is a project to detect recent seismic activity, in English “Puerto Rico Seismic Network” mission is to detect, prosecute and investigate the seismic activity in the region of Puerto Rico and Virgin Island and report accordingly to the results for purposes of public security, education, scientific research and engineering. The project also give detail reports and detail information of the monthly seismicity in Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.
From the Red Sismica De Puerto Rico site, we can see recent significant earthquake detected and update to the page, unfortunately we have to read Red Sismica De Puerto Rico Full Version in Spanish, because English version still under construction. Please use online translate tools to read the page details. From the page, before this post publish shown earthquake at Northwest Region of Puerto Ricowith 5.70Mwp. Please visits the Red Sismica De Puerto Rico for latest update.