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Revolutionary Nutrition Research

Revolutionary Nutrition Research

When it comes to nutrition, health, and supplementation, consumers are faced with so many choices. Touting “revolutionary” science, and promising extreme and amazing results, companies hoping to cash in on the wellness revolution pay celebrities, scientists, and physicians to endorse their products. Adding to the confusion of what to take and which company to trust, the news media feeds on controversy and hype.

This generation is the most health conscious, with more and more people connecting their exercise and eating habits to their overall health and wellness. People have access to all kinds of supplements from the standard multi-vitamins to specific nutritionals in pill forms, powders to add to smoothies, and juices containing “super fruits.”

So how do you know what you should take? Start by asking yourself what is important to you. Are you a product junkie who just likes to try out the latest, greatest revolutionary product? If so, you may find yourself experiencing unpleasant side effects either immediately or after years of use.

Is it important to you that the supplements you consume are made only from ingredients found in the human food chain rather than from such questionable sources as hair harvested from Chinese prison inmates, for example? Do you want your supplements to have been proven safe and effective by centuries of human consumption?  Do you prefer your supplements to be based on valid, peer-reviewed science instead of hype that might drive sales but is otherwise worthless?

If these things are important to you, and they probably are, then you should check out a company called GNLD. With over 50 years of commitment to product excellence, GNLD has attracted the attention of researchers from the USDA, CDC, major universities, and respected scientific institutions around the world.

If you are looking for nutritional supplements from a company that will never compromise when it comes to your health, then GNLD is the right company for you.

Published by
Shelley Hankins