T-Mobile G1 is not getting Android 2.2(Froyo)

tmobile g1tmobile g1
Well, if you have been waiting for the G1 to get Android 2.2 odds are its not going to happen. According to Gizmodo during the fireside chat at Google I/O yesterday. When the Google team was asked about Android 2.2 coming to the G1 they simply stated that the OS couldn’t fit on the G1’s flash memory. That leaves two options for G1 owners either upgrade to another Android handset. Or you could always root your handset and put an Android 2.2 rom on it.

Josh Uhlemeyer

Former Author of Mobile News Now.

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  • Well Tim that's a good question my guess would be that its more of a way of getting early adopters to upgrade to a new handset. Am sure in time T-mobile will discontiue the T-Mobile G1. As of right now I don't think an Android 2.2 rom is out yet but am sure Cyanogen or some other Android hacker will work on one. Since the announement of Android 2.2, I've been really thinking about getting a Nexus One to repalce my G1. I know how you feel Tim being one of the early adopters myself, Thanks for the comment Tim.

  • If I can root my handset and put an Android 2.2 ROM on it, why can't Google and T-Mobile?

  • I too was feel suckered by the G1. I bought the Dev1 phone the day it became available only to have it be officially dropped from updates 6 months later after cupcake. This make me nervous about getting a N1 because they could just do the same thing.

    I've installed Cyanogen Mod and it does work very well. He and His team is still working on a 2.1 version for G1; but it's not stable yet.

  • Wow, even apple brings a slimmed down version of thier upgrade to the Gen 1 iPhone. Hopefully, competition will push them to releasing something.

    I just got a N1 and love it. Hopefully they work out the upgrades before it becomes an issue for me.

  • I think Google is modifying their unofficial motto to be "Do some evil."
    The tech world needs to get out of this planned obsolescence model of business. It's horrible on the environment and spitting in the face of consumers. I was one of the first G1 adopters, but do not believe I will continue to support Android. I'll see how far I can get on my G1. It still does email/text/browsing/calls just fine. That's my primary use anyway.

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