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Tiger Woods Divorce – Tiger Isn’t Even Worth $750 Million

tiger woods divorce elin nordegrentiger woods divorce elin nordegrenTiger Woods Divorce – Tiger Isn’t Even Worth $750 Million

The buzz surrounding Tiger Woods and his $750 million divorce settlement that is / was suppose to go to Elin Nordegren is apparently a big media hoax.

According to TMZ, Tiger Woods isn’t even worth $750 million dollars to begin with – so how can Tiger give Elin money that he doesn’t even have?

Since yesterday, one of the biggest news stories to hit the web has been the Tiger Woods divorce story. And out of that, the rumored $750 million settlement clearly dominated the web’s attention.

The divorce itself is supposedly a done deal. All Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren need to do is go ahead and sign the documents to make that final.

According to some sources, the papers have already been signed and just waiting for the filing to be made in court.

Again, this is a sad ending to a marriage – especially since there are children involved. And from everything I’ve read, Elin was a great wife and mother. The only problem is that Tiger Woods couldn’t keep himself under control and remain faithful.

You wanna who pays the biggest price in this whole thing?

The kids…

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