Categories: Health

Whey Protein Versus Soy Protein Part 3

Whey Protein Versus Soy Protein Part 3.

When choosing a supplement, getting as much information as possible about your choices will help you get the most out of your hard earned dollars. As we mentioned in the first part of this mini-series of articles, soy is one of the best choices for those who choose not to use animal products like whey. For everyone else, knowing how it rates compared to whey makes it easier to choose.

Soy Versus Whey – Which has a Better Protein Digestibility Percentage?

The protein digestibility percentage (PD%) measures the percentage of protein eaten that is absorbed in the body.

Protein digestibility is the PD component of the PDCAAS mentioned before.

It is interesting to note that, while the FDA is replacing PER as the standard measure of protein quality with PDCAAS due to differences between humans and laboratory rats, the PD% is determined by evaluating laboratory rats.

How do the PD percentages compare in the soy versus whey protein debate?

Round 6 – Soy vs. Whey Protein

Soy Vs. Whey Protein

Soy Protein Concentrate

Whey Protein

Round 6 of the Soy Protein versus Whey Protein debate goes to…

Whey Protein.

Soy Versus Whey – Which has More Glutamine?

Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid. Your body uses glutamine to transport nitrogen to your tissues.

Glutamine also increases muscle cell volume through cellular hydration. Glutamine supplementation also increases growth hormone levels, which leads to the muscle using fatty acids for fuel rather than blood sugar.

Those looking to build muscle should consume 3 to 5 grams of glutamine, 3 times per day.

It is obvious that we may prefer the protein that has the highest concentration of glutamine.

How do our contestants stack up in the soy versus whey protein battle?

Round 7 – Soy vs. Whey Protein

Soy Vs. Whey Protein
Glutamine per 100g of Protein

Soy Protein Concentrate

Whey Protein

Round 7 of the Soy Protein versus Whey Protein debate goes to…

Soy Protein.
Published by
John Curry
Tags: dietfitness