Elite Gudz Creates ‘Plug The BP Oil Spill’ iPhone App

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In an effort to add a little of humor and fun to the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, someone decided to create an iPhone app that allows you to plug the gushing oil leak with your finger.

The iPhone App is called Plug the BP Oil Spill and is available in the iTunes App Store for free.

From your iPhone, simply tap the App Store app on your iPhone > search for “plug the bp oil spill” and then simply download it. It literally takes 5 seconds or less for this thing to download.

Then all you have to do is open the Plug the BP Oil Spill app, tap “Begin”, and then you’ll be able to plug the gushing oil with your finger.

Sounds like fun doesn’t it?

Click here to download Plug the BP Oil Spill iPhone App (opens iTunes)

Screen shots:

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