Categories: Technology

Josef Franks 125 födelsedag, Google Logo Day 2

You might be wondering what in the world the word “fodelsedag” means, right? Well come to find out, it means “birthday” in the Swedish language – who would’ve thought! The reason I’m using the word “fodelsedag” in the my article is because yesterday when I wrote about the Josef Franks 125th birthday Google Logo, within a few hours my site was getting flooded with traffic for the keyword phrase Josef Franks 125 födelsedag.

So in Sweden, the Josef Franks birthday must have been a pretty big deal or something, which is cool.

One look at Google though and you’ll see that the Josef Franks 125th birthday Google Logo is still up. So perhaps Google has decided to celebrate the designer’s birthday for a second day in row.

Anyway, for all of the people from Sweden who are hitting this article, and visiting my site for the first time, let me say “welcome” – it’s a pleasure and honor to have you here!

And happy 125th birthday (födelsedag) to Josef Franks.

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