Categories: Technology

How To Make Your Facebook Fan Page Worth Visiting

facebook fan page more popularfacebook fan page more popular

As many of you know, having an active and engaging Facebook Fan Page can be monumental in the growth of your business. The more people comment, like, and share your content the more exposure your Facebook Fan Page will receive and the more branding power your business will achieve.

But let me ask you… what about getting people to visit your Facebook Fan Page?

Hmm… isn’t people visiting my Facebook Fan Page the same thing as exposure and branding?

Think about this for a minute. When you send out an update from your Facebook Fan Page, where are people commenting and liking your updates?

Are they doing it from your Facebook Fan Page?


Comments and likes are occurring from within those people’s news stream on their own Facebook profile.

So although you might think your Facebook Page is getting a lot of exposure based on the number of comments and likes, what you are actually doing keeping people away from directly visiting your fan page.

How To Make Your Facebook Fan Page Worth Visiting

I would like to propose to you that it’s critically important to get people visiting your Facebook Fan Page. This helps you grow new fans, but it also allows your brand to build more authority than just broadcast messaging information.

So how do you make your Facebook Fan Page worth visiting?

Let me show you 2 examples:

1) Having a custom tab with a list of “tips” and “how to’s”

I’m going to use my Facebook Fan Page for this example. If you visit my “Facebook Tips” tab on my Fan Page, what you’ll get is a simple list of links that I call Facebook Fan Pages for the Clueless.

Of course with all due respect, I don’t think anyone is clueless.

But it’s simply a list of links that help people figure out how to leverage and customize their Facebook Fan Pages.

Since adding the Facebook Tips tab to my Fan Page it has not only dramatically increased the number of visits directly to my Fan Page, but it has also increased the number of visits to the associated articles that the tips link to.

2) Have a custom tab of resources

Jen Lovelady put together a great Facebook Fan Page that features a “Resources” tab. On the Resources tab, she an indepth list of resources that she’s put together to help her visitors in a wide range of subjects.

Check out Jen Lovelady’s Facebook Fan Page Resources tab here.

These are just 2 examples of ways you can make your Facebook Fan Page more valuable and worth coming back to.

What are some things you can do with your own Facebook Fan Page to make it more valuable for people to come to?

I can assure you the answer isn’t just sending out more fan page updates.

Looking forward to your thoughts in the comments below…

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  • Great tips! If anyone wants to try to implement these tips I have a free Facebook fan page tab template on my blog. Feel free to use and customize it in any way you would like.

    • why wouldn't you post a link to your Facebook Fan Page if that's where the thing you're promoted is located?

      weird, and strange, simultaneously

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