Categories: BusinessFacebook

Just Added Facebook Comments To My WordPress Blog

Adding the Facebook commenting system to your blog, or any webpage, is a great way to integrate Facebook into your articles, encourage more commenting and engagement with your site, and also dramatically increase exposure for your site across Facebook.

As if my blog didn’t have enough “Facebook” going on already, I just put the final touches on adding Facebook comments to my blog here at SMSEO.

The Facebook commenting feature allows people to comment like they always have on our articles, except now the benefits are exponential:

1) Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg just announced that 250 people login and use Facebook each and everyday. So with a commenting system in place, and with more people at any given time being logged into Facebook than any other commenting system, I’m believing that the comments and engagement with our articles will increase.

2) Comments now become social because the comments that you post our Facebook commenting system will broadcast into your friend’s news stream. This viral exposure effect indirectly promotes the article, and the discussion, to hundreds if not thousands of additional people that never even knew the article existed.

Comments also become social because with your comment broadcasting into your friend’s news stream, your friends have the ability to comment on your comment right there in their news stream. Now you have thousands of people commenting on our articles without ever having to visit the article directly.

3) Facebook is a brand name that people know and trust. So with a Facebook commenting system in place, people will immediately identify with the Facebook brand and be more comfortable leaving comments on our articles.

So what do you think about our new Facebook commenting system? I’m always excited to receive feedback and comments on the things we do here at SMSEO.

Stay tuned tomorrow as I cover how to integrate Facebook comments into any website or blog.

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