Categories: Business

Web A Neur Series Part 2: You Must Have A Willingness To Repeatedly Fail

This is a continuation of my Web A Neur Series – a series to help entrepreneurs be successful and leverage the web for their ventures.

I was just listening to Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO, talking about the phrase “What’s dangerous is not to evolve.”

A key phrase that I heard, and I’ve heard it before I suppose a thousand times, but this time is really struck me and encouraged me because of where I am with projects I’m working on.

What he, being Jeff Bezos, said was this:

You must have a willingness to repeatedly fail…

Wow – what a great phrase from such a successful entrepreneur.

A common phrase, or theme if you will, that I hear Jeff say is “you must invent”.

And a lot of his context around the word “inventing” is actually inventing for the good of your customer.

I suppose we can call that “customer centric inventions”.

Jeff is obsessed with “the customer.”

It’s not about being fixated on the competition, although you’ll hear Jeff say that Amazon pays attention to competition.

But the fixation is on the customer, and “customer centric invention” is what has made the success that it is today.


How are you inventing for your customer?

Do you even put your customer first in everything – I mean everything – that you do.

Are you a “customer centric inventor”?

Do you have a willingness to repeatedly fail?

Depending on the way you answer these questions – I would wager – will ultimately decide the outcome of your venture and your success!

Best of luck to you…


Here’s the video of Jeff Bezos talking about this issue:

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