Categories: Facebook

Uncovered Code Suggests A ‘Facebook Online Music Service’ Is Coming

A discovery has been made deep in the coding language of the new Facebook video calling app that suggests Facebook could have something VERY big up its sleeve.

The uncovered code hints at a possible Facebook online music service that would compete with the likes of  iTunes, Google, and Amazon.

Here’s the code that was discovered by software engineer Jeff Rose:

return this.window.getMember(“VideoChatPlugin”);
if (paramString.equals(“com.facebook.vibes”)) {
return this.window.getMember(“MusicDownloadDialog”);

Note the last line of actual code where it says “MusicDownloadDialog”.

Of course, this is the first solid sign that Facebook could be developing an online music store.

No one really knows anything at this point.

But why would the same batch of code for the new Facebook video calling app have a reference to “MusicDownloadDialog” in it?

Is it possible that Facebook’s online music store could also be integrated into the new Facebook video calling?


via Gizmodo

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