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NASDAQ:AAPL – Apple Closed At All Time High on Friday at 364.92

NASDAQ:AAPL – Apple Closed At All Time High on Friday at 364.92 on news of a whole lineup of new products in the pipeline.

Apple shares (NASDAQ:AAPL) closed on Friday at all time high at $364.92, which was up $7.15 on the day’s trading.

It’s going to be interesting to see where Apple shares open tomorrow morning, especially with the recent news last week about a possible delay of the iPhone 5 due to the processor overheating.

Apple’s stock has been elevated mostly with rumors of a flurry of new products in the pipeline – a new iPhone 5, iPad HD, new MacBook Airs, Mac Mini’s, Mac Pro’s, and even new OS’s with OS X and iOS.

It’s impressive to say the least.  Now Apple just needs to deliver.

via MacRumors

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