Categories: Technology

Google In Apps Payments, A Huge Plus For Developers (Video)

Google is stepping up their game with the announcement of in app payments.  

A couple of HUGE advantages that Google is leveraging in draw in developers are:

1)  with a single line of code (according to Google), in app payments can be integrated into any application, regardless of where the application is hosted.

2)  Google will only take a 5% fee, as opposed to Apple’s 30% fee, of all revenue.  Put another way (without insulting you of course), with Google in app payments, developers keep 95% of the revenue.

It’s a pretty sweet deal…

Check out the video for Google in app payments:

Update – 2-13-2019 – Google has updated their in app payments a lot since it begain, when we posted this article. Here is an updated video!

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