Oh no, my mom’s a blogger

My parents have always been technology savvy: my dad had a computer in the the early 80’s and my parents (dad and step mom) met on the internet in the 90’s before it was considered socially acceptable. In fact, my dad has had a twitter account for a couple years and I have yet to even go to the twitter site. But even so, it was difficult for me in college when my mom started a blog: about me – and my siblings.

She’s a great writer and her blog had many followers. And why not? You got to hear funny stories from a woman who had succesfully blended a step family; her advice was witty and wise. But I didn’t particularly want to read it. It was her journal; her innermost thoughts…on me!

While my parents may have been early to blogging and social media, the rest of the Baby boomers have really started to flock to sites like Facebook, Twitter, and blogging sites. A quick Google search for Baby Boomer Blogs gives you over 8 million choices.

A recent survey by NPD says that 41% of Baby Boomer use social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. And that 41% is just regular users, not those that are signed up and get on it only once a month.

With Baby Boomer Social Media use on the rise, so has backlash from their Gen X and Millennial children refusing to friend them on Facebook, follow their blogs or even blocking their comments. One of my brothers held on accepting friend requests from my parents all through college. A recent segment on the Today show talked about things parents do to embarrass their children. One of the biggies that was mentioned: posting comments on their Facebook page…

For now I am happy that my mom has started a new blog that is not about be, but rather her 94 year old purple mother. I no longer cringe when someone mentions reading her blog and can laugh with them about my neat-freak, highly fashionable grandma’s latest shenanigans with the ophthalmologist.

Published by
Jeannie Ingraham