SEO Insights – An Unprecedented Look At Google’s Algorithm [Video]

Did you know that Google will make upwards of 500 changes per year to their search algorithm?  This is an ongoing process to optimize search results and deliver a better, more relevant user experience?

It is not very often that we, as the average Google user, get to see very deep into the algorithm that drives the ranking of Google’s search results.

In fact, in the world of SEO‘s and Internet marketers, Google’s brand has become one where their algorithm and ranking methods are like the dark, secret powers of the Jedi.

However, lately Google has been opening up quite a bit more about their search algorithm, PageRank, and what changes are going into their engineering to help deliver better search results to the end user.

According to Yahoo News, Google recently updated their search algorithm with its Panda update (versions one and two).  These updates were downright destructive to many content site owners and to a degree ineffective.

Google’s been continuing to crank out adjustments (500 in the last year) and is (relatively) happy to keep us updated of this progress – but algorithm insights are far and few between.

On Thursday, Google put together a video giving a much deeper look at the search algorithm and the changes that are continually analyzed and implemented.  The video also shows the rigorous process that changes must go through before they are actually implemented.

Here’s Google talking about their search algorithm:

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