Categories: Facebook

Facebook Restricted List – How to Keep Your Profile Innocent (Looking)

If you’ve had some pictures make there way to your Facebook profile where you’re drinking and partying and realized after the fact that  you didn’t want certain people to see them (your boss, mother, aunts, grandma, professional friends) then Facebook’s Restricted feature is just for you.  There’s no need to be worried about embarrassing yourself anymore!  (Just make sure your profile pic is clean)

What happens when I add someone to the Restricted list?

When you add someone to your Restricted list, they will only be able to see your Public content or posts of yours that you tag them in. So if you put your boss on your Restricted list, post a photo and choose Friends as the audience, your boss (and anyone else on Restricted) won’t see that photo. However, if you add a tag of your boss to the photo, we’ll let them know they’re in it. If someone else tries to tag your boss in one of your photos, you’ll get to approve this tag from your pending posts.
I went through my entire friend list and added aunts, uncles, professional contacts and any other person I may not want to share all of my personal statuses with, like my status this Friday, “On my way to the strip club!” (Just kidding, they’re a waste of money).  But going through your entire friend list doesn’t take painfully long, you can scan through the names quickly then start restricting  as you accept friend requests.

How to post a Facebook status to only your friends

Easy Peasey, just click on the drop-down below your post and it gives you an option to choose.  If you choose public, everyone including non-friends and your restricted list will see the post.  So if you are going to choose a public post make sure it’s something that is fairly clean!  If you choose “Friends” it will post your status to all of your friends and leave out anyone on your restricted list, so your pesky, nosey aunt will not see your status update but your friends will, perfect isn’t it?

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