
Miami Zombie Attack : Man Eats Bath Salts Then Attacks Man

The internet is flooded with this disgusting story about a naked man who chewed off the face of another man.  Authorities say he may have been under the influence of “bath salts”, which is a drug referred to as the new LSD.   This horrible attack happened Saturday and was caught on surveillance.

Police ended up shooting the attacker several times to stop him.

Larry Vega witnessed the attack on Miami’s MacArthur Causeway. He told CNN affiliate WSVN he saw one naked man chewing off the face of another naked man.

“The guy was like tearing him to pieces with his mouth, so I told him, ‘Get off!'” Vega told WSVN. “You know it’s like the guy just kept eating the other guy away, like ripping his skin.”

“It was just a blob of blood,” WSVN quoted Vega as saying. “You couldn’t really see, it was just blood all over the place.”

Vega said he flagged down a passing police officer.

“When the officer approached him, told him to stop, pointed a gun at him, he turned around and growled like a wild animal and kept eating at the man’s face,” Fraternal Order of Police President Armando Aguilar told CNN affiliate WPLG.

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  • It's all a lie! Zombies brosefs! We gotz to get armed and ready! It's da apocalypse! 2012!!!!!

  • If it was bath salt, that would mean everyone who has been exposed to it is now slowly turning into a zombie because it has soaked into their skin. Ha, think about it. If bath salt has that effect on someones mind what is it doing while it's soaking into your skin.

  • Ok so yall tell me i need boards and nails !!!!!! Lol what is the world coming to.i mean i heard of dog eat dog world and now its come to man eat man wow !!!!

  • No wonder I crave a big mac everytime I soaked in my tub or go into bath and body works.! Plus

    He's climbin in your windows
    He's snatchin your people up
    Tryna rape em so y'all need to
    Hide your kids, hide your wife
    Hide your kids, hide your wife
    Hide your kids, hide your wife

    And hide your husband cuz they're rapin everybody out here
    You don't have to come and confess
    We're lookin for you
    We gon find you, we gon find you
    So you can run and tell that,
    Run and tell that,
    Run and tell that, homeboy
    Home, home, homeboy

  • I guess u could say we are living in the last days cuz that rite there jus let me kno hell is rite here on earth!!!! SMH SCARY AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST EWWWW!!! HE HAD TO B HIGH OR SUMTHING LIKE IT!!

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