Categories: Technology

Real Life Examples of Bad Internet Practices, by Google Analytics Videos

Earlier this week Google released a series of Youtube videos depicting hilarious real life Google Analytics examples of bad Internet practices.

“For the holiday seasons, our team at Google Analytics thought it would be helpful (and fun) to demonstrate how missteps on the digital shelf play out in real life,” writes Clancy Childs, Google Analytics Product Manager, and Jon Day, Google Product Marketing Manager.

Each video targets a specific problem that many customers deal with while shopping online, such as poor landing page optimization, clunky site search functions, and excessive advertisements. These issues plague the online marketing world, and Google Analytics is trying to put an end to the annoyances.

“Sadly, many sites leave visitors frustrated – losing potential customers, However, the advantage of your online storefront is that you can understand where you’re losing customers and work to improve your shopping experience.”

Here are the videos detailing how you should think about improving the shopping experience for your customers:

Google also released improvement tips along with each video, which are pretty basic for anyone in the online marketing industry. These tips include making sure landing pages “meet your users expectations,” and that “ad text leads visitors to a page that matches what was featured in the ad.” Simple stuff, really, though you’d be surprised how many sites butcher their conversions by not falling this simple advice.

“We hope this helps you find more ways to use Google Analytics to make your customers lives easier, and generate more happy and loyal customers for you – now that’s a holiday present worth giving.”

The videos themselves aren’t extremely informational, but they are humorous, and they provide a worthwhile lesson: envision your site through the eyes of a customer.

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