The 25 most popular passwords of 2013 (Hint 123456 is one)

Come on people, really?  You are still using these passwords? Whether user’s have been hacked or not, they still continue to use horrible password combinations that make it easy for hackers to guess or break.  The most popular password was 123456 and “password” was in second.  It’s crazy to me that people would use these passwords.  The sad part is, they use them for secure logins and not just accounts that don’t mean much.

The list from SplashData was compiled from the millions of stolen passwords last year that were ultimately made public.

1. 123456
2. password
3. 12345678
4. qwerty
5. abc123
6. 123456789
7. 111111
8. 1234567
9. iloveyou
10. adobe123
11. 123123
12. admin
13. 1234567890
14. letmein
15. photoshop
16. 1234
17. monkey
18. shadow
19. sunshine
20. 12345
21. password1
22. princess
23. azerty
24. trustno1
25. 000000

The 25 most popular passwords of 2013

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